Welcome !If you need Professional Signature logo design then you are at the right gig. I will provide you high level quality designs with great customer support.
I have 3 best packages and you will get these services:
* Classy Stylish Signature Logo Design
* 1 to 5 Logo Concepts
* Unlimited Revisions
* Transparent PNG file
* High Resolution JPEG file
* Source/vector file
* Stationery design (including business card and letterhead)
* Professional, friendly service
If you want to ask anything anytime, just drop your message. I will get back to you soon. Thanks

Seller's Response:
very good with communication
Seller's Response:The creative went away from his style published in his portfolio. I wanted to encourage his creativity but ended up with a lot of hand holding. He took days to work on simple revisions. I'm sorry, can't recommend.
Seller's Response:good experience :-)
Seller's Response:Very Fast Work
:good experience.

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