I will create a elegant feminine signature lettering logo style

I will create a WRITING SIGNATURE TEXT LOGO, with your company name, site, blog, event etc . I can design you an attractive NAME LOGO or signature like a brand as you can see in my examples above .Just let me know preferences to color, font or style, any suggestions are welcome. You can show me images in style you prefer your logo to be, and i will respect your choices, and deliver the design in style.
Or if you do not have a style in mind you can tell me about your company and i will come up with an idea of style for you.
As in the example you see above on this gig i usually create only text signature based design, If you need 1 icon or mascot with the logo please check the extra "Additional Icon".
For any question about this gig , you can message me.
Thank you ALCalugaru.

bellaroyal:Good job. Thanks for the fast turn around.
alcalugaru:thank you !
alcalugaru:thank you.
dyamond67:Second time using this designer and loving all the work.

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